Piotr Tabakiernik


Torna al programma del 20/10

Piotr Tabakiernik è un compositore polacco nato nel 1986. Nel 2009 si è diplomato in composizione alla Chopin University col Prof. Stanislaw Moryto. He vinto svariati premi di concorsi, fra cui il 4o premio e il premio speciale al concorso Musica Sacra di Czestochowa. Le sue composizioni sono state eseguite in patria e all’estero. Ha scritto musica per teatro, film ed altri eventi. Si interessa anche di performance art, happening e, oltre alla musica, di linguistica e di teoria del linguaggio.

Oltre al quartetto in programma, le sue composizioni più significative scritte fra il 2007 e il 2009 sono Streets are drunk and whisperin’ secret dialects per violoncello e pianoforte, Felieton per orchestra, Concerto for things and instruments, Kha for performer and computer, Three pieces for orchestra.

English biography pdf written by the composer




Piotr Tabakiernik

Echoes of suspended sounds. (Author’s commentary)

Nono between the lines


Inspiration is one of the most important concepts in composer’s dictionary. Searching for it, recognition of its possibilities and accomplishment of ideas that it gives – here is the substance of composer’s activities. So all his investigations of the individual technique, musical form and language should be “in inspiration’s service”.

In the case of Echoes of suspended sounds the inspiration was given clearly: it was just “Nono”. But there was a plenty of meanings of this short word and it had taken a long time before the conception of the work cleared up. The process of idea’s semantic limitation restricted it to one composition – Il canto sospeso. In Echoes it is the pretext and the context, essence and a form, a symbol and a material. Every single note refers to Nono’s composition, every musical thought and every conception has its beginning in his work. The idea of Il canto sounds in my composition as an echo of torn melodies and lone tones scattered in the score of Nono’s masterpiece.

Three fragments of Il canto sospeso – its beginning, middle and ending – together with four glittering chords based on four sounds from the central moment of the composition, stand in the score of Echoes as columns on which musical lines are suspended. Relationship between sounds are founded on all-interval row that is the basis of Nono’s work, its instrumentation and expression inspires research of microtonal and extended techniques’ possibilities. Atmosphere created by short motives, rugged phrases, sudden accents and expressive passages is similar in both pieces. At last ten names of European anti-fascist resistance fighters, who had been condemned to death, the authors of letters that were Nono’s inspiration, appear like some kind of the acrostic – whispering accompaniment of distant voice singing the forgotten complaint. To the procession of ten martyrs has joined one more soul whose bloodless sacrifice sounds like suspending chant, his own Il canto sospeso. Echoes of suspended sounds are just silent shadow of this.    

/P. Tabakiernik)